Ali Gunsar is a world-traveler and a cultural researcher, in every aspect of the word “culture”. He is into classical music and jazz, an oenophile and a foodie, but foremost a travel photographer.

Although landscape photography is an inevitable part of his photographic work, his main focus is on people, with their diverse cultures and lifestyles on various geographical locations of the world. Up to this point Gunsar has traveled to more than 80 countries, improving his photographic archive that is inseparable from his cultural research. Therefore his travel destinations are selected accordingly.

Ali Gunsar was born in Istanbul in 1956, is a graduate of TED Ankara College, studied business management in Istanbul University, and later made a career in IT sector at several levels of senior management. After his retirement from the corporate world, he now dedicates his time to his lifelong hobby turned passion: cultural photography.

Acknowledgement: Ali Gunsar would like to thank photographer Izzet Keribar for his contribution as his mentor and as the initial editor of his photographic work. Gunsar is grateful for the years of friendship and photographic influence that resulted in this website.

photo: Barbel Brandhorst